Jannawi Family Centre

Rebuilding, Strengthening and Educating

creating hope for our community

Jannawi’s work responds to an increasing incidence in Australia of child abuse and family violence. According to the most recent statistics:

16% OF

from age 15 on experienced physical assualt by their partner, and 5% of women experienced sexual assault by their partner. 

11% OF

reported witnessing a physical assault on their mother by a partner during their childhood.


received child protection services and 67% of children who received child protection services were repeat clients.


have been in out-of-home care for 2 years or more.

The traditional solution to child abuse has been to remove children from their homes and families, which breaks up the family – often forever. Children who are placed into care often suffer isolation and sometimes further neglect and abuse. 

Jannawi helps to stop child abuse and provides a safe place for abused children. We offer child protection counselling to children and families to address the root causes of child abuse and contribute to a better future for children, families and communities.


At Jannawi we believe in the power of information and experience to improve how our society responds to children and families in need. We regularly contribute to government policy processes and other important public discussions.


Jannawi Family Centre is successfully achieving its objective of keeping children safe, happy and healthy, and has strong support from its clients and the child protection sector, according to an interim evaluation of its approach.

The study, by researchers at the University of Sydney’s School of Education and Social Work, found, “A key outcome for families was preventing the removal of children into out-of-home-care or achieving restoration of their children as the result of working with Jannawi. Family members also described how Jannawi had facilitated safe and consistent contact between parents and children, when children were not in their parent’s care.”

The findings, based on interviews with parents, children, staff and partner organisations, form part of a national research project to determine the service needs of children and families living with domestic and family violence, led by the University of Melbourne. The interim report also found:

  • Jannawi’s direct engagement with children means workers can better support their needs, wellbeing and safety;
  • Engagement with men who perpetrate violence helps Jannawi hold them accountable and work with them towards changing their behaviours;
  • Families with complex needs benefit from Jannawi’s integrated services that include assessment, counselling, case management, safety planning, early childhood and developmental assessments, advocacy, therapeutic groups, playgroups, educational and recreational programs and supervised contact visits;
  • Jannawi works respectfully with First Nations and culturally, linguistically and religiously diverse families, including through its culturally diverse and multilingual staff;
  • Jannawi is recognised for its expertise and capacity-building, including training, student placements, workshops and interagency meetings and consultation with other agencies to support the most complex family situations.

The research is being conducted in partnership with the US-based Safe and Together Institute and will be completed later in 2021.


News & Events

Free Community Webinar – October 21st

Jannawi is holding a FREE Community Webinar on October 21st, 2024. This insightful webinar will explore the "protection before therapy" approach – a cornerstone of ...
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News & Events

Coercive Control Webinar – October 24th

Jannawi are holding a professional webinar on Thursday 24th October, on the topic of Coercive Control. During the event, attendees will be provided with an ...
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News & Events

Welcome Event – New Jannawi House

Jannawi hosted over 70 people who came along to our Welcome Event on Thursday 15 February 2024 to see our new home.
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News & Events

Challenging the Norm

Jannawi Family Centre hosted a free webinar on 12 May 2021, on safe families, cultural safety and cultural connection.
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support and protect hose affected by family violence
News & Events

Family Safety Summit

Jannawi Family Centre hosted a webinar on Family Safety in the lead up to the National Women’s Safety Summit to help shape Jannawi’s expert submission ...
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family violence abuse service
News & Events

How to really listen to what children tell us

Children’s needs are at the heart of family services, but their voices often go unheard. This webinar held in National Child Protection Week, brought together ...
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